Aloe Vera Quality Certification
Aloe Vera Quality Certification
Complete analysis of Aloe Vera for growers and producing companies.
We provide a Quality certificate for the product.
Drug discovery and development
Drug discovery and development
Discovery, development and production of original drugs
in the Canary Islands for the international pharmaceutical market,
obtained or inspired in the atlantic biodiversity.
CEAMED improvements. Interview on TVC.
CEAMED improvements.
Interview on TVC.
Interview with Nicolás Díaz Chico in the
El Foco de Televisión Canaria program about
the advances made in the development of
a drug to treat breast cancer. Visit the news
section to see more interviews and news.
Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services
Offering professional services for the development of anti-tumor drugs
to the Spanish oncology community.
CEAMED S.A. owns five patents of its products with
high interest for the pharmaceutical industry.
Latest news

CEAMED SA, offers the Spanish oncology community, professional services for the development of anticancer drugs.
The services include:- The in-silico design of novel compounds for targets of interest to clients.
- Synthesis of potential new inhibitors.
- Structure-activity studies.
- Assistance with Hit to lead to pre-clinical candidate development.
- In vitro cell viability /cell growth studies, against a broad panel of human derived cancer cell lines.
- In vitro toxicity studies (CYP, hERG, PMBC).
- Oral, IV and IP formulation studies.
- Acute in vivo toxicity studies (Irwin test).
- Xenograft studies (in vivo tumor reduction/regression studies).